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Andy Wineman

Thank you for visiting WinemanPhoto.  I hope that the images here will inspire you to think about the beautiful places, the majestic wildlife and the glorious creation that they represent.  For me, each image recalls the experience I had, the people I was with, and the emotions I felt as I was photographing those beautiful places and animals. 


In particular, I am fascinated by Colorado’s thriving community of moose and never tire of being with these towering and immense creatures, with their long muzzle and wide pointed antlers, in their environment.


I have long enjoyed exploring and photographing wildlife where they live and capturing the grand vistas and colorful seasons in Colorado and beyond.  Whether hiking or sitting quietly taking in nature I am inspired, refreshed, gain perspective, and sense a connection with the Creator.


In those times I am reminded of the words penned by the ancient writer of Psalms who said,


“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.”

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